Conference Linguistic and Social Aspects of Hate Speech in Modern Societies”
23-24 November 2020 New Date: 22-23 March 2021
Odense, Denmark

Hate speech and offensive language is a widespread phenomenon in modern societies.

Hate speech can be roughly defined as any communication that attacks individuals or groups “on the grounds of ‘race’, colour, descent, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, language, religion or belief, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation and other personal characteristics or status” (Council of Europe 2016). However, still relatively little is known about the linguistic and communicative mechanisms underlying the expression and perception of hate speech.

This conference aims to fill in a few of these gaps and shed light on various linguistic and social aspects of current manifestations of hate speech, providing an international forum for researchers working in the field.

It is organised by the members of the Velux-project “Towards Balance and Boundaries in Public Discourse: Expressing and Perceiving Online Hate Speech (XPEROHS)”.

Invited speakers:

Jonathan Culpeper (Lancaster University)

Jörg Meibauer (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)

Call for Papers

We invite contributions concerning all linguistic and social aspects of hate speech. You can participate in the conference:

a) by presenting a longer talk (30 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion)

b) by presenting a shorter talk (15 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion)

c) by presenting a poster

We invite extended abstracts for long talks (800 word abstract) or short abstracts for shorter talks or posters (400 word abstract).

The deadline for submission is 18 May, 2020 New Date: 16 November 2020 and decision letters will be send out end of June December, 2020.

Submission link:

There is no conference fee!


For further information see: